
4 Tips for Every Web Design Project

The base of a good design is pretty much the same for every project. Website designing is a popular way to earn through a freelance career. However, clients will not always be satisfied with your work. You need to follow some of these expert guidelines which will take you quite far and help you skip the common mistakes designers make. So here are a few of the rules you should stick by.

Consistency in design

A consistent style heavily defines a good brand image. When you work for a brand, it is essential to keep all the elements fitting the brand image. The logo, typography, color, themes, and elements should match. The way your website looks and users engage on your website should be similar. This also applies to apps. The color of the buttons and icons should not change as it could confuse the users on how to engage.

Use typography that fits

A designer knows the value of a well-placed font. Firstly, focus on the readability and legibility of the typography. When using pairs, make sure they are not complex. For example, a good pair of the typeface is sans serif and serif. The lettering and text should be easy to read from a distance and not jumbled up. It should also be easy to read in a glance. Also, use contrasting type according to the background, such as white text on a black background and black text on a white background as it would ensure the readability factor.

Responsive design

This goes without saying that unresponsive websites and apps have no place in the market today. With new devices being introduced every day and technology becoming advanced, users have a diverse range of viewing platforms. Therefore, they browse through a website or use apps on different types of phones and devices. It is your job as a designer and developer to make sure your design is responsive. This applies for every element, from text to images to button and including the overall framework.

Use whitespace

Each element you use should not be crammed into the design, but serve a purpose. You can keep a decent space between each element using whitespace. It can create rhythm, flow and create a visual hierarchy in the design. People will scroll through your content if there is suitable space. It is important in bigger screens as it increases readability. Make sure users can tap buttons with ease. You can use the space around buttons or other interactive elements. Add line spacing between lines and in form fields so that it is easier to tap and around elements which you want users to focus on.