4 Web Design Mistakes Small Businesses Make

If you are a small business owner, you must understand the importance of your website as an important piece of your business’s online presence, branding efforts, and marketing strategies. This is why it is imperative for you to get your web design just right or you would risk losing considerable revenue.

In order to make the online experience of your customers smooth and pleasant, make sure you avoid the following mistakes made by many small business owners.

1.      Flashy Design

While it is true that you have to have attractive website design in order to lure new customers in, often business owners sacrifice the ease of use of your website.The flashier the design, the harder it becomes for the user to figure out how to get where they need to go to your website. Customers often know what they want out of your website, but if they can’t figure out their next step within a few seconds of getting to your website, it means that the design is too complicated and needs to be fixed.

2.      Too Much Focus on Making Website Soon Than Getting It Right

Many small businesses stress on getting website up as soon as possible instead of researching their target market and designing website according to their needs. For example, if the target market of your business in mainly elderly people, you should consider using a larger font size. This type of research can make a lot of difference in attracting the right consumers for your business.

3.      No Social Media Sharing Buttons

Social media can be an easy way of attracting attention, arguably the cheaper one too. Many small businesses miss out the opportunity to spread their word through social media sharing buttons on their products and services pages. Allow your happy customers to share your good deals and help spread the word about you among their peers.

4.      Lack of Clear Call to Action

Once you have gathered a big amount of traffic, you have to think about where you want to those visitors. The traffic can prove to be useless if they aren’t where you want them to be. To make them fruitful, you have to have a call to action for your visitors. For the right CTA, you have to research and invest time to figure out how best to make it easily accessible to your customers. For example, if your CTA is subscribing to your blog, the subscribe button must be visible on every page.