5 Things to Know Before Putting Your Logo under the Knife

Logo is the most vital part of your company, and the foundation upon which the success of your brand’s branding partly depends. However at one point or another that logo of yours might need a makeover.

Yes, you probably went all out in finding the right designer. You even spent weeks and weeks on settling on the right design that’d convey your mission and values perfectly. Plus, you spent hundreds or thousands of dollars on marketing it and ensuring that it looks impeccable across different mediums like billboards, websites, etc.

Yet at some point, you’d see the old logo isn’t gaining the popularity and recognition as it once had. The reasons can be many. For instance, the logo doesn’t reflect the current personality of the company which may have boosted over the years, or it may not be as appealing as the competitors’ logos.

Regardless! If you’re planning to give your logo a slight or complete makeover, you may want to check the following “must-know-before-you-redesign” tips.

  1. Filter the Non-Dominating Traits of Your Logo

A logo is created by molding different elements into one. Often, almost all the elements get too old to get attention, but there’s always an element that never gets old. Filter out that dominating element in your logo, and create the new one around it.

  1. Try Redesigning One Element at a Time

Perhaps the greatest blunder one would make when reconstructing a logo is designing it from scratch. Unless you’re in serious need of a completely new, unique logo, it’d be best to make changes in the current logo one element at a time. For instance, you may first try changing the color scheme of the logo, and see how it fares.

  1. Seek and Seize Simplicity

What makes a logo ideal? Memorability, and it can’t be achieved if you strive to make your logo over-decorated. Ever wondered why Google, Nike or even Apple’s logos are memorable? It is because there’s simplicity in them. Hence, go for a simple yet appealing logo that reflects the spirit of your brand.

  1. Figure Out and Embed Your Brand’s Essence

Essence is what the consumer’s feel or see in your brand when he first interacts with it or even see it. Essence is what reflects your brand’s message, its mission and values. You can’t have a winning logo if it lacks essence.

  1. Teak The Readability of Your Logo

Lack of readability is one of the biggest problems we face when it comes to Type logos. If you don’t want your target-audience get a negative meaning out of your logo or any sort of vibe that you may harm your brand, make sure your Type logo is not just vibrant but also legible.