
Responsive Logos: What They Are And Why You Need One

Digital trends are changing, and there needs to be a shift in the designs which you create. Your logo is something you need to update and switch to responsive logos. You can’t be living in the past, where one size of the logo would fit everything and was sufficient. Responsive logos can be placed anywhere. They are shapeshifting logos, which can change their color, complexity, and size to adjust in whichever medium they are placed at.

Why responsive?

In the past few years, there has been a shift from laptops or desktop computers to mobile devices for browsing. Now, the majority of people use their mobile to use the internet and search for information. Most websites were not designed according to the mobile version, and users had a hard time to find their way around the website.

The need for responsive websites was then made, which provided the facility to the user to not have to fret over screen adjustment issues, and not being able to have a user-friendly experience. Therefore, a logo should be created in such a way that it would look great in any platform.

Digital media

Everyone owns a different mobile set, so your logo should be consistent to show the same quality in each device. The user’s experience should not be disrupted due to a substandard logo.

With the emergence of different technological gadgets such as a smartwatch, smart bracelet, and other advancements, you need to be sure that your company’s logo does not look too tiny in it, and is easily seen. Also, the small-sized ads on websites also need a responsive logo to capture the audience’s attention.

Print media

There are high chances that print media platforms need a different logo to be made because newspapers and magazines have their own requirements. The logo you use for the digital purpose might not be relevant for the print.

Design at least three versions of your logos, and different sizes and designs. Make sure you see which symbols can be used if there’s a little space for the logo to be put.


The favicon or the website icon is the symbol which is shown in the tabs of the browser. For example, the ‘G’ in Google is used to represent the whole logo in the favicon. Therefore if your logo is text-based, check which initial/initials you want to be shown at smaller sized spaces.

The real reason why responsive logos are trending is that compressing and resizing the logo can reduce their quality. Therefore, for professional it is necessary to create responsive logos.